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Ways to Give

As follows of Christ, we believe everything we have belongs to the God and He entrusts them to us to steward them well. Our prayer is that we would have an open hand for God to use us and our gifts of time, talent and finances to expand His Kingdom and make Him known. 

As we lock arms for the Gospel, we trust the Lord to provide as we faithfully depend on the sacrificial gifts of God's people. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others. We know it changes lives - ours and the many people we reach.



Just drop it in the offering plate during our 10:30 am Sunday service.


Conveniently give safely and securely online or through the Givelify App.

ways you can Give


Drop it in the mail. Send to:

Main Street Baptist Church
1140 E Main Street
Bartow, FL 33830


Set up automatic, recurring giving through the online bill pay service at your bank. Also, we do not get charged any fees for this service!

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